Jiro Harumi, MBE

Jiro Harumi worked for the Press and Public Affairs Section of the British Embassy Tokyo from November 1974 until the end of December 2002. He was awarded with MBE in February 2000 for his contribution to the development of UK/Japan relations.

His main responsibilities at the British Embassy included making media arrangements for VIP visitors from the United Kingdom, various British promotional events and projects and also the production of a British Embassy magazine.

He was involved in making media arrangements for the visits by the Royal Families including HM Queen Elizabeth (1975), HRH Prince & Princess of Wales (1986 and 1990) and Princess Diana (1995) and the Princess Royal (1999).

He was also involved in making media arrangements for the visits by British Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Tony Blair when they visited Japan whether for the G8 Summits or for the bilateral talks with the Japanese counterparts.

After departing from the British Embassy, he was involved in 2003 in media relations of Feel Finland, a project organized by the Finnish Institute in Japan to present Finnish arts and culture in Japan.

He also served Japan National Press Club as Project Manager from January 2004 until March 2009.

Jiro Harumi at the British Embassy was also responsible for:

Quality Britain, the annual magazine published first in 1988
UK 90 and UK98 British Festivals (for media publicity)
UK-Japan Green Alliance, a nation-wide tree planting campaign.

Born in Tokyo on 5 July 1941.
Graduated from the Law Course of Chuo University.
Before joining the British Embassy, he had worked at Kobe Shimbun Newspaper, Hokubei Mainichi Newspaper (San Francisco) and Tokyo Bureau of ABC News.

On a personal level, Jiro Harumi produces his own internet magazine "musasabi journal" since 2003. Musasabi Journal includes articles written by himself mainly if not exclusively about the United Kingdom and also about Finland.


1941年 7月5日・東京生まれ
1964年 中央大学法学部卒業・神戸新聞社入社
1967年 渡米、サンフランシスコの日本語新聞「北米毎日」編集部に入る
1969年 帰国、ABC News東京支局長アシスタント
1970年 みずほ美術およびニューアート勤務:写真植字の技術を習得
1974年 駐日英国大使館広報部入り
2000年 大英勲章 (MBE)を受章
2002年 12月末定年退職
2003年 フィンランドセンター主催のFeel Finland広報担当
2004年 1月から日本記者クラブ「企画」担当常勤嘱託。
2009年3月 日本記者クラブを退職


年刊広報誌「Quality Britain」の編集責任者
フィンランドの文化プロモーションFeel Finland 2003のメディア広報